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Racing Terms

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Aged - A horse that is seven years old or older.
Aging - By using a horses teeth to tell how old it is.
Aids - Signals given to a horse by a rider to convey his instructions.The natural aids are the rider's body, legs, hands and voice.The artificial aids are whips, spurs and martingales.
Automatic Timer - An electrical apparatus used for show jumping and other timed events.The horse breaks an electronic ray as it goes through the start, triggering the mechanism which starts the clock and the same occurs to stop the clock.

Bandages - Protective strips of material, cotton, flannel or stockinet, used on the legs and tail.
Bedding - May be straw, sawdust, wood shavings or peat.
Bed Down - The process of making a horse bed.
Behind the bit - When a horse refuses to take a correct hold on the bit.
Bit - A device attached to the headstall and reins, and placed in the horse's mouth.It helps the rider regulate the position of the horse's head and is one aid used to control pace and direction.
Black - A dark-skinned horse with a black coat, mane and tail.No other color may be present.White markings on the legs and/or face are common.
Blood horse - The name given to the English Thoroughbred.
Body Brush - Used to remove dust from a horse's coat.
Braiding - The process of making plaits to smarten the neck and general appearance before entering competitions.This occurs in the show classes of all horses or ponies.
Breastplate - A device which fits around the chest and attaches to the saddle and the girth.It is used to prevent the saddle from slipping backwards.
Brood Mare. - The name given to a mare used for breeding
Brushing - This occurs when a horse strikes the fore or hind leg with the opposite one.The results are a cut near the joints of a fetlock.
Brushing Boots - Pads that give protection against the action of brushing.

Canter - A three-beat gait, faster than a trot, but slower than a gallop.
Cap - Artical of head wear on a jockey.
Cast - A. When a horse loses a shoe
B. When a horse lies down in his box and is unable to get up, possibly because the box is too small or the horse is laying too close to a wall.
Cavalletti - Small jumps used in the basic training of a horse to encourage it to lengthen its stride, improve its balance and strengthen its muscles and used to teach novice riders how to jump.
Chestnut - A horse with a gold to dark reddish-brown coat, usually with matching mane and tail.Some have a flaxen-colored mane and tail.The mane and/or tail can not be black, that would be a bay.
Clear Round - A show jumping or cross-country round which is completed without incurring any jumping faults or time faults.
Clipping - Cutting away the coat and mane during the winterdue to the thickening of the coat.
Collecting Ring - The area adjacent to the showing ring where horses are collected before entering for a competition.
Collection - Shortening the pace by using a light rein contact and gentle pressure from the legs. This helps the horse find its balance by teaching it to bring the hind legs well forward, thereby supporting its body.
Colt - A young male up to four years of age.
Combination - Obstacles or fences in show jumping made up from 2 or 3 separate jumps and where the maximum distance between the first and last doesn't exceed 12 meters.
Condition - The horses' health and looks.
Cross - breeding - When horses of different breeds are mated.

Dam - The female parent of a foal.
Dandy Brush - Stiff-bristled brush used to remove mud.
Disobedience - Used in jumping and cross-country to denote refusals, circles, resistance, a run-out, stopping, and napping which are all subject to penalties of the event.
Dressage - The art of horse and rider working in complete harmony to perform all movements in balanced, supple and obedient manner.

Electra - Medical term used when drugs are made into a paste which has a base of treacle or honey.
Equine - A horse or pertaining to a horse.

Farmer - A person who trims and shoes horses.
Fault - A method of scoring errors such as knockdowns, refusals, or time penalties.
Filly - Female horse under four years old.
Foal - Colt, gelding or filly, up to the age of twelve months. A male is a colt-foal; a female a filly-foal.
Fodder or forage - Any feeding stuffs fed to horses.

Gall - A sore place, usually found under the girth or saddle, caused by ill-fitting saddle.
Gelding - Castrated male horse of any age.
Going - Indicates the nature of the ground. It applies to the ground used for show jumping, racing or hunting.
Grey - a dark-skinned horse with a coat of black and white hairs mixed together; the whiter ones becoming more predominant with age.
Green - A horse which has not completed its training.

Hackamore - A bitless bridle that acts on the nose and chin but is not advised for novice riders since it can be most severe to the horse.
Halter - A webbing headcollar used for tying up a horse or for leading
Hand - Term used for measuring the height of a horse. Derived form the width of a man's hand but now it is a universal 4 inches.
Hoof - Refers to the entire foot of a horse.
Hoof Pick - A hooked metal device used for removing stones and debris from a hoof.
Hunter - A horse which competes over fences or carries a rider in the hunt field. They are judged on performance, manners, way of going, style of jumping and conformation


Jumper - A horse which competes over fences. They are judged on their ability to clear the obstacles and judged on time and not on how they behave.

Knee caps - A felt covering for the knees which are normally reinforced with leather.They are used when traveling or exercising on hard going.

Laminitis - Inflammation or fever of the feet caused by fast work on hard ground or too much heating food and insufficient exercise.

Mane - The hair along the top of a horse's neck, extending from behind the ears to the withers.
Mane - tail Comb - Long-toothed comb for cleaning and combing the mane and tail.
Mare - Female horse which has reached the age of four years.
Martingale - Device to regulate the horse's head carriage. It is a strap attached at one end to the noseband, reins or bit, and at the other to the girth.
Mustang - A wild horse.

New Zealand Rug - Weather-proof rug made from canvas used on horses turned out in winter months.
Night Rug - Rug used to keep horses warm at night.
Numnah - A sheepskin, felt, nylon or rubber pad which fits under a saddle.

Off Side - The right side of a horse's body.
Over-Faced - When a horse is being asked to jump obstacles which are beyond his capabilities.
Over-Reach Boots - A circular rubber boot fitted to prevent injury to the coronet when a horse over-reaches.
Over-Reaching - The edge of the hind shoe striking against the coronet of the fore-foot.

Place - When a racing horse ends the race in second place.
Pony - An equine not exceeding 58 inches in height at the withers
Pulse - A horse's pulse rate is normally 36 to 40 beats per minute.


Refusal - Stopping in front of, or passing beside, any obstacle intended to be jumped.
Risen Clench - When a clench rises and comes through from a shoe. This must be attended to immediately to prevent injury to the horse. (See Clench)
Roan - A horse having a black, bay or chestnut coat with a mixture of white hairs, especially on the body and neck, which modifies the color.
Roller - A strap used to hold a rug on a horse. Some rollers have a metal hoop attached to stop the horse becoming cast in his box. (See Cast)

Saddle - A seat for a rider on horseback, made in various styles, sizes and weights, depending on its purpose.
Show - When a racing horse ends the race in third place.
Sidesaddle - A flat seat with two pommels, one to hook the right leg over, the other to hold the left knee down. This was most often used years ago when women were not expected to ride astride but with both legs on one side. Some still ride sidesaddle when hunting and in competitions.
Silks - Clothing made of silk by a jockey and usually in the colors of the owners.
Sire - A stallion. The male parent of a foal.
Splint - A bony growth between the splint bone and the cannon bone on either the fore or hind legs.
Stall - Area or compartment for a horse in a stable.
Stallion - A male horse, not under four years, used for breeding.
Summer Sheet - Usually made of cotton or linen to keep flies from a horse's coat in hot weather.
Sweat Sheet - A form rug used to keep a horse cool in summer months.This sheet is also used to cover a horse when it is hot.
Sweeping Bend - long/wide curverature of the racetrack
Sharp Turn - narrow curverature of the racetrack

Tack - Word meaning "saddlery".
Tack room - A place where all tack and equipment is kept.
Trot - A two-beat gait in which the horse's legs move in diagonal pairs.

Underface - When a horse is asked to jump obstacles far too low for its abilities. This can in most cases, be as wrong as over-facing.


Walk - A four-beat gait. The walk should be rhythmic and energetic with the hind legs reaching well under the horse's body.
Whip - Made of leather and used while racing in the last 200 metres of a race to enduce the horse to sprint.
Win - When a racing horse ends the race in first place.
Withers - The highest part of a horse's back;the area at the base of the neck.
Wide - horse ran off the running rail eg. horse ran four wide equals three horses inside

Yearling - A colt or filly throughout the year after birth.




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