Equal top rated (2 or more on 100 point rating) then you will need to enter the first two selections with after each number.
e.g. the ratings : |
1 - 100
2 - 100
3 - 98
4 - 87
enter as (Note: the plus sign after each "equal top" selection)
If a single top selection with 10 or more rating points to the second horse requires an * added next to it's number.
e.g. the ratings : |
1 - 100
2 - 88
4 - 86
6 - 83
enter as 1*.2.4.6 (Note: the * after special for 10 point selection for top rate ONLY)
Entering Other ratings Process!
Basic Selections.
enter as 8*.3.4.5 (Note: comma changed to a dot between each selection)
The same process as Sky applies for equal rated/standouts if noted on selections.
Complete steps above for all meetings (where selections available) beginning with "M"etropolitan then "P"rovincial, "C"ountry .